Thursday, December 27, 2012

My One Little Word for 2013

I came across this post and thought for a while about what word I wanted for 2013.  I made a list.  They included look, light, grace, open, create, calm, soar, simplify, hope, present, play, and open.  Then I thought of grow. 

I have a beautiful little granddaughter who was born on the first of November.  Her name is Violet.  And she is growing. It reminded me of that that old saying, something I often said when my children were small:  they grow up so fast!  I made another list of sayings I like which included the word grow:

How does your garden grow?
Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be.
Grow deep roots
Love grows
Growing old is not for sissies
Grow where you're planted

One can grow physically, socially, intellectually, and spiritually.  One can grow kinder and calmer, more playful and more open. 

I like this word grow.

1 comment:

Nyima said...

... for Violet.